Lundi 25 juillet 2011

US-Texas shooting incident resulting in six dead and three injuries murderer commit suicide after co

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) Grand Prairie, beats studio diamondTexas, Local 23 shooting incident occurred at night. According to the Associated Press reported, to a birthday party when a man shot his family quarrel, killing five people injured after beats solothree people commit suicide. Occurred in the local time at 19:00 on the 23rd, beats solo hdplace in Grand Prairie, a skating rink. Police said the man in the couple took out a pistol fight, attack. The deceased's name and age has not yet announced. Grand Prairie beats propolice spokesman Wembley Moore said, no dead children and skating rink employees. The relationship between the dead killer and the other is unclear. The injured were taken to the hospital, their beats studio lamborghiniinjury situation has not been announced
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011
Jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Post a supermarket in Indonesia occurred Playboy boss Huihun tender wife, said too many women

BEIJING, June 18 (Xinhua) Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" reported beats studio kobe bryanton the 18th, the famous adult magazine 'Playboy' founder Hefner and his girlfriend Harris marriage fell through, the latter tearful confession to the media, saying they are not Heif satisfied that the only woman, monster beats lamborghiniso "uncomfortable", so everyone down to the Huihun regret. 85-year-old Hefner is a veritable "Playboy", numerous side monster beats solocompanion, age 25, Harris scheduled to marry him today. She believes that marriage is two people, but the reality is not. She also said that the marriage continue to discuss with counsel matters relating to the wedding, so she was under tremendous pressure, but also one of the reasons her Huihun. External events that Hefner is a big beats solo hd Walton pointed out that the wedding experts, wedding canceled at least loss of 25 million, including a wedding cake and wedding and other expenses. He said the couple is usually two weeks before marriage, bought the necessary supplies have been, but no refund; and published yesterday, "Playboy" cover is a sailor shape of the Harris, the results before the launch to add the words "In this issue there isbeats studio headphones the bride fleeing forced marriages !, "the red and yellow stickers that have to spend extra money.
Par Janet0617 - 2 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Indonesia, a parcel bomb attack on a supermarket occur injured

Xinhua Jakarta, June 18 (Xinhua reporter Li Yu) Lublin province beats studio graffitiof South Sumatra, Indonesia 18 High Town, a parcel bomb attack occurred in the morning, killing one person injured. Indonesia's South Sumatra province, police said the attack took place in a local supermarket. Supermarket dre beats graffiti owners Sindelar Suma Er Yuenuo sent the night before opening a parcel, parcels suddenly exploded. abdomen was injured, is currently being treated in hospital. Police said the Post, packaging and a small two homemade bombs,Beats Graffiti Headphones the explosion of the smaller one. In addition, the location of the explosion only 200 meters from the local police station. Indonesia's police headquarters, local beats solomedia quoted the spokesman as saying Malta, this bomb attacks by terrorists as a department, but police have not identified the terrorist organization behind the scenes. monster beats lamborghiniHe said Indonesia anti-terrorism police headquarters has sent a team to investigate incident.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

The EU set up a "network security team" response to hacker attacks

BRUSSELS, June 13 (Xinhua reporter Wang Huan Ying) Thebeats studio lamborghini European Commission recently announced the establishment of the "Computer Emergency Response Team" to prevent and respond to "hacker" attacks, the EU institutions to ensure the security of computer networks. It was announced that the group consists of 10 computerbeats studio james and network technology experts, who will be responsible for protection of the European Commission, European Parliament, Regional Council, Economic and Social Committee and other key institutions of the EU computer network security. The European Commission also called on member states can beats studio diamondestablish such a team of technical experts, in order to protect the main institutions of state and government computer network security. European Commission member in charge of network security that cyber attacks can lead to paralysis of some important monster beats solo hdand long-lived infrastructure and huge losses, which has become a more serious practical threat. In recent years, some EU institutions who have been cyber attacks. Such as January of this year, the EU carbon emissions monster beats studiotrading market suffered cyber attacks as forced to shut down, until fully restored until April; March of this year, the European Commission's computer system had been "Hackers".
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Former French President Jacques Chirac with a pet into the casino experience cold shoulder

BEIJING, June 9, according to French media reports,monster beats lamborghini the Normandy resort of former French President Jacques Chirac has suffered a loss of face of things, he was a local casino staff turned away. At the time, Chirac tried to bring a dogbeats studio james into the casino, the casino staff flatly refused his request: "I'm sorry sir! Shop allowed to bring pets!" Equality before the rules,monster beats solo even if the former president is no exception . However, this small resort Chirac apparentlymonster beats pro did not affect mood. According to local media reports, Mr. former President was seen accompanied by his wife, lying on the beach in the sun and enjoy breakfast in the hotel's terrace,beats studio lamborghini the mood was not affected
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Citibank was hacking disclose customer names and other information

BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) BEIJING, Chinesebeats graffiti limited financial channel network learned from the Wall Street Journal, Citigroup said in a statement released by e-mail, the bank recently discovered during a routine inspection, the online banking customer accounts was illegal invasion. Citigroup said the hackers see the line about 1% of the bank card customer beats studio graffitiaccount information. It is not clear how hackers to steal account information. Citigroup said hackers stole customer's social security number can not, date of birth, credit card expiration date and security code. Citigroup is contacting those customers account information was leaked, beats graffiti limitedand has taken measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. Prior to "The Wall Street Journal" has published an article that the FBI is investigating a financial network for attacks on Citigroup's case, a group with alleged links to Russian cybercrime group of "hackers" to attack the computer systems of Citibank, beats studio graffitiswept tens of millions of dollars, but refused to recognize the Citibank banking network to be "black", while denying the customer lost a huge amount of assets. British "Financial Times" reported, Citigroup in early May, when routine testing found that Citi Account Onlinemonster beats lamborghini compromised, the hacker may therefore obtain hundreds of thousands of bank card information. Citigroup has about 21 million in North America cardholders.
Par Janet0617 - 1 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011
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