Indonesia, a parcel bomb attack on a supermarket occur injured

Xinhua Jakarta, June 18 (Xinhua reporter Li Yu) Lublin province beats studio graffitiof South Sumatra, Indonesia 18 High Town, a parcel bomb attack occurred in the morning, killing one person injured. Indonesia's South Sumatra province, police said the attack took place in a local supermarket. Supermarket dre beats graffiti owners Sindelar Suma Er Yuenuo sent the night before opening a parcel, parcels suddenly exploded. abdomen was injured, is currently being treated in hospital. Police said the Post, packaging and a small two homemade bombs,Beats Graffiti Headphones the explosion of the smaller one. In addition, the location of the explosion only 200 meters from the local police station. Indonesia's police headquarters, local beats solomedia quoted the spokesman as saying Malta, this bomb attacks by terrorists as a department, but police have not identified the terrorist organization behind the scenes. monster beats lamborghiniHe said Indonesia anti-terrorism police headquarters has sent a team to investigate incident.
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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