US-Texas shooting incident resulting in six dead and three injuries murderer commit suicide after co

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) Grand Prairie, beats studio diamondTexas, Local 23 shooting incident occurred at night. According to the Associated Press reported, to a birthday party when a man shot his family quarrel, killing five people injured after beats solothree people commit suicide. Occurred in the local time at 19:00 on the 23rd, beats solo hdplace in Grand Prairie, a skating rink. Police said the man in the couple took out a pistol fight, attack. The deceased's name and age has not yet announced. Grand Prairie beats propolice spokesman Wembley Moore said, no dead children and skating rink employees. The relationship between the dead killer and the other is unclear. The injured were taken to the hospital, their beats studio lamborghiniinjury situation has not been announced
Par Janet0617 le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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