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BEIJING, June 18 (Xinhua) Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" reported beats studio kobe bryanton the 18th, the famous adult magazine 'Playboy' founder Hefner and his girlfriend Harris marriage fell through, the latter tearful confession to the media, saying they are not Heif satisfied that the only woman, monster beats lamborghiniso "uncomfortable", so everyone down to the Huihun regret. 85-year-old Hefner is a veritable "Playboy", numerous side monster beats solocompanion, age 25, Harris scheduled to marry him today. She believes that marriage is two people, but the reality is not. She also said that the marriage continue to discuss with counsel matters relating to the wedding, so she was under tremendous pressure, but also one of the reasons her Huihun. External events that Hefner is a big beats solo hd Walton pointed out that the wedding experts, wedding canceled at least loss of 25 million, including a wedding cake and wedding and other expenses. He said the couple is usually two weeks before marriage, bought the necessary supplies have been, but no refund; and published yesterday, "Playboy" cover is a sailor shape of the Harris, the results before the launch to add the words "In this issue there isbeats studio headphones the bride fleeing forced marriages !, "the red and yellow stickers that have to spend extra money.
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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