Jeudi 21 juillet 2011

American scientists invented the artificial heart without heart

According to the June 16, 2011, U.S. scientistsBeats Graffiti Headphonesmonster beats solo have invented an artificial heart no heartbeat (above). Texas Heart Institute doctors have tested it. The new artificial heart using spin turbines to maintain the blood flow, without the need to beats studio jamesimitate the beating of the heart to provide continuous blood to the body. Inventor Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier, said the artificial heart has been tested on animals and completed a successful test, there is nobeats studio graffiti adverse impact. Institute animal research laboratories an 8-month-old calf was first to accept one of the heart transplant recipient. Two inventors, said: "If you listen to it in the chest with a stethoscope will not hear the heartbeat; arteries if you check it,beats graffiti limited there will be no pulse; you do ECG to it, it will only see a flat line."
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

India's 108-year-old prisoner serving two years after the oldest bail

According to China Daily, according to British media reportedbeats by dre on June 18, the oldest Indian prisoners, 108-year-old Brigitte completed after two years in prison, Harry Walter get released on bail. In 1987, when he was 84-year-old Harry is a Hindu priest completed. Failure to beat his opponent was elected abbot of a Hindu temple, beats studio graffiticomplete with 15 associates Harry will include opponents, including four killed, there are many associates are his nephews and family members. Up to 20 years of trial, completed in 2009, Harry eventually sentenced to life powerbeatsimprisonment for murder, was sent to Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur city prison. However, the complete Harry old and feeble, sick in bed most of the time, had frequent access to the hospital. And he can not walk, only by relatives in the prison and transfer between hospitals. Based on humanitarian considerations, prison officials decided to complete Harry released on bail. Sharma said the prison staff to takebeats solo hd headphones care of a 108-year-old prisoner some difficulties, so they submit the application for bail, and get court approval. Bi Harry was released from prison, the inmates presented a wreath to him, unless he and fellow inmates embrace. Harry completed yearmonster beats lamborghini of their crimes to regret it, only hope to see back home before his death, with some divine good confession. For his successful bail, he sighs: God is great, thank you!
Par Janet0617 - 1 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Drift to the New Zealand Antarctic emperor penguins were acclimatized to hospital

Christina Wilton residents of the North Island the night of 20 to go out walking beats studio diamondthe dog, found only 80 cm high, 10-month-old emperor penguins. Experts believe that it may be foraging in the Antarctic lost its way, at least more than 3,000 km long journey before reaching New Zealand's North Island. This is 44 years, New Zealand's first visit on their own wild penguins. Appeared only after the emperor penguin beach itself attracts beats soloa lot of animal lovers. In order to prevent disruption of its New Zealand Department of Conservation staff in its set 40 meters around the cordon. However, starting from 23, emperor penguins health began to deteriorate. It is no longer as full of energy and relic ashore to look around curiously. 24,beats solo hd headphones it is more prone listlessly most of the time on the beach. New Zealand Conservation Department officer Peter Simpson at the scene of the Xinhua News Agency, told reporters that emperor penguins are often cooled by eating snow, emperor penguins only hot because of intolerablemonster beats solo hd thirst, mistakenly swallow the sand as the snow, but also eat into some of the wood block, so the body had a negative reaction. "New Zealand pose a threat to its warm climate, large number of people visiting it also nervous, but now is the winter, it would be shipped back to the Antarctic is not feasible." The penguin experts and resource protection officials tomonster beats studio negotiate only 24 penguins were loaded into a freezer at Wellington Zoo shipped. It is reported that staff from the day it's throat out sand and debris, and then the X-ray results to decide whether to give it an operation.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Suspended animation is loaded into the coffin of the Russian woman woke up scared to death

According to the British "Daily Mail" Web sitebeats solo hd headphones on June 23 reported recently, a Russian woman for chest pain after a fall at home, hospital, doctors immediately announced her death. However, the unexpected is to prepare his family for the funeral of the woman when she suddenly woke up and found her body in the coffin of the shock due to excessive "again" death, and this one did not wake up. The Russian woman beats studio kobe bryant justice? Mohammed Jia Ivanov, 49. Faji Er Yi was first taken to hospital after her 51-year-old husband, Jerry Law? Mohammed was told his wife, Jia Ivanov died due to heart disease. The Houfajier defined his family began tobeats studio red sox prepare for her funeral, when the relatives one by one through Faji Er no justice by lying lid of the coffin and pray for her, she suddenly "rebirth" of the. Wake up Faji Er justice found that he was lying in a coffin and began screaming loudly. Law Jerry said: "At the time she began to blink, we immediately monster beats lamborghinirushed her and sent her to the hospital, but just over 12 minutes, she died in the intensive care unit, this did not wake up. " Recovered, have lost the experience to law Jerry is angry: "I am very angry, I want to find the answer. beats studio ferrariWhen the doctor first announced her death, when in fact she was still alive, they could save her life." As Fa Jier defined diagnosis of the hospital's spokesman said: "we are currently investigating."
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011

Korean female professional with outstanding performance more men willing to call the shots man

According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua andbeats by dre the general impression that Korean men were "macho" tendencies serious, less housework the contrary, more and more South Korean men are now willing "househusband" fun. Wu Sheng root (phonetic), 46, worked in a hospital in Seoul, is now home to the main man. In his view, take good care of his family is more important thing than the outside work to earn money. "My wife is a civil servant, then I did not earn much, andBeats Graffiti Headphones I was five-day week, which was not popular in Korea," Yonhap quoted him as 27 reports, "his wife after giving birth, very want to go out to work, I did not hesitate to quit his job because of marriage, I can order her to her promise to give up their career development, I keep their promises, his wife, very supportive of my decision. " "I do not think women have a special beats studio graffitihousekeeping gene is not the merits of gender differences in this area," he said. In recent years, more women employment, some men are "squeezed" out of the job market in favor of home housework. Korea statistical data released in January of this year show that the number of family wife nearly five years, the main surge, more women gomonster beats studio to work. Last year, a total of househusband 15.6 million, compared to 34.5% in 2005; housewives total of 511 million, representing an increase of 9.6% five years ago, far less than househusband growth. Family Institute at South Korea's Kang Crane Bell (phonetic) said: "The men previously because of unemployment, early beats solo hd headphonesretirement and other reasons, women have to go to work, support their family. As more and more women participation in economic life and outstanding performance of many prominent professional women . "
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 21 juillet 2011
Mardi 19 juillet 2011

Obama's father was traced to the Department Playboy had planned to be Adopted

WASHINGTON According to the British beats studio red sox"Daily Telegraph" reported on July 7, according to a first open immigration papers, Obama was not yet born when his father on suspicion of bigamy U.S. immigration authorities who have been reviewed. A U.S. immigration officials in April 1961 afterbeats studio lamborghini questioning the old Obama memo said, the old Obama is not Barack Obama and pregnant mothers living together, which plans to make charitable organization "Salvation Army" adoption is not Obama was born. It is reported that, at the age of 24-year-oldbeats studio ferrari Obama, or the University of Hawaii students. As always, "love affairs" is a "Playboy", immigration officials need to accept the survey was that more than having a wife. However, in an updated visa interview, the old Obama insisted that he had beats solodivorced his wife in Kenya. He also told the immigration officials, the U.S. has been five months pregnant with Dunham his wife separated, and they decided to unborn babies to a charitable organization for adoption. However, both the old Obama and Dunham's home per capita denied, saying, "never heard of them discussed the adoption issue." Former White House press secretary, monster beats soloRobert Gibbs also said that Obama never heard his mother had agreed to send him.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011
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