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According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua andbeats by dre the general impression that Korean men were "macho" tendencies serious, less housework the contrary, more and more South Korean men are now willing "househusband" fun. Wu Sheng root (phonetic), 46, worked in a hospital in Seoul, is now home to the main man. In his view, take good care of his family is more important thing than the outside work to earn money. "My wife is a civil servant, then I did not earn much, andBeats Graffiti Headphones I was five-day week, which was not popular in Korea," Yonhap quoted him as 27 reports, "his wife after giving birth, very want to go out to work, I did not hesitate to quit his job because of marriage, I can order her to her promise to give up their career development, I keep their promises, his wife, very supportive of my decision. " "I do not think women have a special beats studio graffitihousekeeping gene is not the merits of gender differences in this area," he said. In recent years, more women employment, some men are "squeezed" out of the job market in favor of home housework. Korea statistical data released in January of this year show that the number of family wife nearly five years, the main surge, more women gomonster beats studio to work. Last year, a total of househusband 15.6 million, compared to 34.5% in 2005; housewives total of 511 million, representing an increase of 9.6% five years ago, far less than househusband growth. Family Institute at South Korea's Kang Crane Bell (phonetic) said: "The men previously because of unemployment, early beats solo hd headphonesretirement and other reasons, women have to go to work, support their family. As more and more women participation in economic life and outstanding performance of many prominent professional women . "
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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