Suspended animation is loaded into the coffin of the Russian woman woke up scared to death

According to the British "Daily Mail" Web sitebeats solo hd headphones on June 23 reported recently, a Russian woman for chest pain after a fall at home, hospital, doctors immediately announced her death. However, the unexpected is to prepare his family for the funeral of the woman when she suddenly woke up and found her body in the coffin of the shock due to excessive "again" death, and this one did not wake up. The Russian woman beats studio kobe bryant justice? Mohammed Jia Ivanov, 49. Faji Er Yi was first taken to hospital after her 51-year-old husband, Jerry Law? Mohammed was told his wife, Jia Ivanov died due to heart disease. The Houfajier defined his family began tobeats studio red sox prepare for her funeral, when the relatives one by one through Faji Er no justice by lying lid of the coffin and pray for her, she suddenly "rebirth" of the. Wake up Faji Er justice found that he was lying in a coffin and began screaming loudly. Law Jerry said: "At the time she began to blink, we immediately monster beats lamborghinirushed her and sent her to the hospital, but just over 12 minutes, she died in the intensive care unit, this did not wake up. " Recovered, have lost the experience to law Jerry is angry: "I am very angry, I want to find the answer. beats studio ferrariWhen the doctor first announced her death, when in fact she was still alive, they could save her life." As Fa Jier defined diagnosis of the hospital's spokesman said: "we are currently investigating."
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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