Drift to the New Zealand Antarctic emperor penguins were acclimatized to hospital

Christina Wilton residents of the North Island the night of 20 to go out walking beats studio diamondthe dog, found only 80 cm high, 10-month-old emperor penguins. Experts believe that it may be foraging in the Antarctic lost its way, at least more than 3,000 km long journey before reaching New Zealand's North Island. This is 44 years, New Zealand's first visit on their own wild penguins. Appeared only after the emperor penguin beach itself attracts beats soloa lot of animal lovers. In order to prevent disruption of its New Zealand Department of Conservation staff in its set 40 meters around the cordon. However, starting from 23, emperor penguins health began to deteriorate. It is no longer as full of energy and relic ashore to look around curiously. 24,beats solo hd headphones it is more prone listlessly most of the time on the beach. New Zealand Conservation Department officer Peter Simpson at the scene of the Xinhua News Agency, told reporters that emperor penguins are often cooled by eating snow, emperor penguins only hot because of intolerablemonster beats solo hd thirst, mistakenly swallow the sand as the snow, but also eat into some of the wood block, so the body had a negative reaction. "New Zealand pose a threat to its warm climate, large number of people visiting it also nervous, but now is the winter, it would be shipped back to the Antarctic is not feasible." The penguin experts and resource protection officials tomonster beats studio negotiate only 24 penguins were loaded into a freezer at Wellington Zoo shipped. It is reported that staff from the day it's throat out sand and debris, and then the X-ray results to decide whether to give it an operation.
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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