Mardi 19 juillet 2011

Pentagon number two U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Lynn announced his resignation

China news agency, Washington, July 7 (Reporter De Yongjian) - Pentagon "number two", beats studio kobe bryantthe current U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn 7, announced his resignation, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is following the end of June after leaving the United States Army side another major personnel changes. The Pentagon announcement said that day, Lynn resigned beats solofrom the post of deputy defense minister, to start civilian life. However, the requirements should be the new secretary of defense Panetta, he will stay until this fall, until the candidates in place. Lynn, 57, was appointed to the Department of Defense in 2009 "the first monster beats solodeputy minister," the Pentagon's office manages the majority of their daily work, second only to Defense Minister. Previously, he was five senior adviser to Secretary of Defense. The Pentagon announcement means that the resignation will continue to live in Lynn Washington, but has yet to announce future beats studio diamondpersonal plans. Lynn earlier interview said he decided to resign for personal life to consider, I mainly want to spend more time with their children. Into June, the U.S. military launched the high-level personnel changes gradually. June 30, served four and a half of the post of Secretary of Defense Gates retired from the CIA Panetta took over; in September, the current commander of coalition beats studio jamesforces in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, will serve as CIA director, and the current U.S. military staff long joint meeting with the chief of Naval Operations Mike Mullen Minister Roughead will be retired by the Army chief of Staff of Naval Operations Dempsey and Green, Deputy Minister Kamal Nath took over
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011

U.S. warplanes 7 hours within the presidential retreat over the two small aircraft to intercept

Global Network reporter Zhu Ying library reported that, beats headphonesaccording to Agence France-Presse reported on July 10, the U.S. military announced on the 9th North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. warplanes day weekend retreat at Camp David, President Barack Obama has two small planes near the intercept. Reported that the North American Aerospace Defense Command 18:56 the same day sentmonster beats studio two F-15 fighter jets intercepted a "Cessna -210" small aircraft. North American Aerospace Defense Command said the planes escorted out by a small plane near the no-fly zone after the Camp David, landed safely in Carroll county regional airport, and accept the law enforcement officers investigate. Reported that, in lessbeats studio than seven hours before the Camp David over the North American Aerospace Defense Command also intercepted a small plane. It is learned had earlier intercepted a small plane's communication system broke down, it is unclear which model. North American Aerospace Defensebeats pro Command, said on April 2, near Camp David, a similar incident took place. The civilian was a small plane strayed into two closed, the U.S. sent an F-15 fighters to intercept. The aircraft then landed in a nearby airport. Inquiry and confirmation by themonster beats solo security sector, this is indeed a careless pilot into a restricted area.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011

New York, loving marriage, a couple is not living

WASHINGTON "I love you, but I also need private space." beats headphonesLovers do not min every minute between the sticky stick together, perhaps the 21st century a new attitude of love. New York a couple loving marriage, but not live. Scheinman, 58-year-old justbeatshusband and 56-year-old wife Sita Long live an independent life after marriage, only in the online chat. Scheinman recently rented the unit owners powerbeatsa substantial increase in rent, so he had to move to Sita Long's one-bedroom units, expand the "real" married life. However, they have often quarreled. They decided to divide the housemonster beats solo hd their own private space, without approval, shall not trespass private space. For example, Sita Long occupy only bedroom, sleep sofa in the beats sololiving room while Scheinman. They pledge, re own private space, to restore the old affection.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011

Texas Sea Islands New Zealand kerma 7.8 earthquake occurred

WELLINGTON, July 7 (Reporter Huang Xingwei) Accordingbeats headphones to the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Information Network News, located in northern New Zealand waters near the islands of drachmas 7 Dirk Richter 7.8 earthquake, the earthquake caused no casualties or property damage . Earthquake in New Zealand local time at 7:03 on the 7th (GMT 3:03), epicenter at 163beats studio graffiti kilometers east of Raoul Island, Auckland, New Zealand's largest city at 1185 km northeast, 20 km below the surface source. According to China Seismological Network Centerdre beats graffiti Web site news, the earthquake magnitude to 7.6 magnitude, focal depth 30 km. At the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii to New Zealand, Pacific Islandsbeats studio kobe bryant and kerma Dirk island of Tonga issued a tsunami warning. However, the center said in these regions is not clear whether the actual tsunami. Kema Dirk Islands are New Zealand, the island without permanent monster beats soloresidents. This region is earthquake-prone areas, have been frequent strong earthquakes.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011

British scientists want to cure aging that human beings can live 1000 years old

British one scientists to predict the human life PRC, a leading Britishmonster beats lamborghini scholar has claimed that human life will be rapid growth in the next 20 years will be born to live to 1000 years old. Aubrey made ??the bold prediction Douglas Dr. Lei is quite well known, a British physician and gerontologist biological. In the long-term study of human life, Gray will be the body of diseasebeats studio james attributed to the accumulation of molecular and cellular damage that is the key to prolonging life at the molecular and cellular level by the disease before damage to complete the repair. He will be divided into damage caused by aging seven categories. Take a lot of elderly people have a heart, the Gray that this is due to human metabolic byproduct of the process of monster beats studiomolecular garbage accumulation resulting from this decomposition of the body can not refuse, piled the ultimate impact of the cell to work properly. Gray believed that five percent of their grasp in the next 25 years, invented cure aging tools, will integrate gene therapy, justbeats headphonesstem cell therapy, immune stimulation and other advanced medical techniques. People through regular doctor will be able to continue to remove rubbish and healthy body to live. The current world record oldest person lived to 122 years old, but Gray thought to live to 150 yearsbeats solo hd headphones of age have been born 20 years there will probably live to 1000 years old. Gray did not elaborate on their own set of forecasts. Insiders say he has been engineered with human cells to obtain medical longevity utterly pseudo-science.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011

British tourists falling 20 meters to show off pictures survived the suspect jumped the balcony

According to a Xinhua News Agency - British tourists beats solomore than 20 meters from the balcony fell to the ground, miraculously survived, but sustained a number of abrasions. The man called - Bohn, 23 years old, from the United Kingdom Farnham. He went to Spain Majorcan play, at 4:00 on the 11th after fall from 7th floor balcony. Fall process, Hoyt - Born first hit the awning on a monster beats solo hd balcony, then crashed into a palm tree downstairs, and then fell on a beach umbrella on the ground. He was subsequently taken to a local hospital for treatment. Doctors, Hoyt - Brian "There is no danger." British "Daily Telegraph" quoted a local police officer as saying, beats solo hdHoyt - Born soon recovered, "there are many scratches on his body, the doctor was amazed he survived." However, the local police are investigating to confirm Hoyt - Born falling from the accident, or that he intended tomonster beats studio jump from one balcony to another balcony. In Majorca, some tourists jump from one balcony to another balcony, or downstairs, jumped into the pool from themonster beats lamborghinibalcony, others shot down, uploaded to the network to show off. Last summer, about 30 people injured, six people were killed.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 juillet 2011
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