Obama's father was traced to the Department Playboy had planned to be Adopted

WASHINGTON According to the British beats studio red sox"Daily Telegraph" reported on July 7, according to a first open immigration papers, Obama was not yet born when his father on suspicion of bigamy U.S. immigration authorities who have been reviewed. A U.S. immigration officials in April 1961 afterbeats studio lamborghini questioning the old Obama memo said, the old Obama is not Barack Obama and pregnant mothers living together, which plans to make charitable organization "Salvation Army" adoption is not Obama was born. It is reported that, at the age of 24-year-oldbeats studio ferrari Obama, or the University of Hawaii students. As always, "love affairs" is a "Playboy", immigration officials need to accept the survey was that more than having a wife. However, in an updated visa interview, the old Obama insisted that he had beats solodivorced his wife in Kenya. He also told the immigration officials, the U.S. has been five months pregnant with Dunham his wife separated, and they decided to unborn babies to a charitable organization for adoption. However, both the old Obama and Dunham's home per capita denied, saying, "never heard of them discussed the adoption issue." Former White House press secretary, monster beats soloRobert Gibbs also said that Obama never heard his mother had agreed to send him.
Par Janet0617 le mardi 19 juillet 2011


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