Lundi 25 juillet 2011

The Philippine military announced that Poland will purchase 8 attack helicopters

China news agency, Manila, July 24 (Reporter Zhang Ming) - Philippine monster beats studiomilitary announced on the 24th, is from Poland's procurement of eight new attack helicopters, troops and equipment to expand and enhance "the ability to protect citizens." Philippines armed forces spokesman Rodriguez announced the same daypowerbeats the news. He said the Philippine military is the purchase of Polish manufacturing, "Sokol" attack helicopters, will be used for military hand combat, search and rescue, disaster relief and patrol and other operations. According to reports, the first four "Sokol" helicopters willbeats studio james be delivered in November this year, the Philippine military, the other four plan to be delivered next year. Rodriguez said that President Aquino is pushing the military modernization program for the officers and soldiers to provide appropriate equipment to fulfill their mission, which greatly beats studio lamborghiniimproved the morale of all officers and men. New equipment will reduce the officers and men perform tasks to various risks and enhance the operational efficiency of the army. Philippine President Corazon Aquino came to power and actively support the expansion of armaments, to promote military modernization, and instructed the Philippine armed forces gradually from the "safeguarding national security" to "territorial defense." Last week, the Philippine Coast Guard from the U.S. beats solo hd headphonesNavy to buy the hands of the "Hamilton" class patrol boats depart from the United States to drive the Philippines, the Philippine navy ship since the most advanced warships. Philippine military has repeatedly said publicly that the future will also participate in "bid"beats pro the United States retiring several other patrol ships.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

South Korea's high-rise black people together to practice aerobics factor resonance shaking

Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua, said 19 South Korean experts, the capital of Seoul, a high-rise building on 5 April the reason why the "swing" 10 minutes, because some beats studiopeople were inside the building are practicing "Tae Bo" fitness exercise, and the entire building a "resonance" . This called "TechnoMart" shopping complex is located in Seoul Gwangjin, monster beats studioa total of 39, 5 occurred swing this month, causing hundreds of people panic to escape. Expert investigation concluded that some of the exercises, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise and the beats studio jamesentire building structure resonance. "Local oscillator" where the gym is located 12 floors. South Korea Dankook University Professor Cheng Lan (phonetic) in a radio show, said, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise movement frequency coincided with the natural frequency of this building is beats studio diamond"consistent." "Tae Bo" is a set of taekwondo, martial arts and boxing as one of the aerobics. Cheng Lan and six other experts to restore the 5 scenes. 17 middle-aged man danced with the music in the building, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise, along with the building sway. 5, "Swing," after the incident, the governmentmonster beats solo Gwangjin the building were closed until experts confirm the structural stability of the building re-opened after the approval, but still does not allow the 12th floor of the gym re-opened. Seoul Gwangjin district officials Zhaobing Jun (phonetic) told AFP correspondents, professors and experts need to do a test to the media and officials to prove their argument. "When they show us beats studio ferrarithe test results and data, we will immediately allow people to use the gym, but the exercises 'Tae Bo' fitness exercise may be prohibited."
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Hackers invade Colombia, two presidents day account

Xinhua Bogota, July 20 (Reporter Hou Xiwen) Colombian President beats by dreSantos, a social networking site "Facebook" account in the July 20 Independence Day in Colombia was the world day of hacker organization "Anonymous" invasion, hackers released on theirbeats headphones home page a video accusing the Colombian government performance is poor. During up to 1 minute 31 seconds of the video, a black man wearing a mask, holding a script, justbeatsshowing pieces of photos, said Columbia is "filled with violence, unemployment, and excessive exploitation of natural resources" of the country, "not qualified to celebrate independence. " Santos immediately through their "Twitter" microblogging respondedmonster beats studio that his Facebook account was hacked, this video has nothing to do with himself. He said: "my" face "appears on the page so the video is very regrettable." Colombian President Alvaro Uribe before the "Twitter" account is also compromised on the beats prosame day, hackers use the same account to issue a written microblogging video link. According to local media reports, the Colombian National Police Administration's Web site also hacked the same day evening. Columbia "The Age" published opinion poll support for Santos in July was 67%, beats solo hd headphoneswhile in October last year had reached 76 percent of historic highs. "Anonymous" is a loosely organized global hacker organization, the Colombianbeats studio diamond Ministry of Defense was invaded in June's website. The past two months, several members of the United States, Spain and Turkey arrested
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Hackers invade Colombia, two presidents day account

Xinhua Bogota, July 20 (Reporter Hou Xiwen) Colombian President beats by dreSantos, a social networking site "Facebook" account in the July 20 Independence Day in Colombia was the world day of hacker organization "Anonymous" invasion, hackers released on theirbeats headphones home page a video accusing the Colombian government performance is poor. During up to 1 minute 31 seconds of the video, a black man wearing a mask, holding a script, justbeatsshowing pieces of photos, said Columbia is "filled with violence, unemployment, and excessive exploitation of natural resources" of the country, "not qualified to celebrate independence. " Santos immediately through their "Twitter" microblogging respondedmonster beats studio that his Facebook account was hacked, this video has nothing to do with himself. He said: "my" face "appears on the page so the video is very regrettable." Colombian President Alvaro Uribe before the "Twitter" account is also compromised on the beats prosame day, hackers use the same account to issue a written microblogging video link. According to local media reports, the Colombian National Police Administration's Web site also hacked the same day evening. Columbia "The Age" published opinion poll support for Santos in July was 67%, beats solo hd headphoneswhile in October last year had reached 76 percent of historic highs. "Anonymous" is a loosely organized global hacker organization, the Colombianbeats studio diamond Ministry of Defense was invaded in June's website. The past two months, several members of the United States, Spain and Turkey arrested
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Dominican five consecutive record-breaking 365 hours reading

Santo Domingo, July 23 Xinhua (reporter Liu Guoqiang)beats by dre Dominican College 23 5 over 365 hours of continuous reading, creating a new Guinness world record. Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized in the same day a new record. The previous recordbeats studio graffiti was 2009, Miami - Dade College girls to maintain a continuous read 240 hous. Responsible for the identification of the work record of the Guinness World Record officials the media, said: "This is a very important event, because this is about reading, beats studio to promote respect for the knowledge of things." This month, five students began in the capital, Santo Domingo 7, the city began to read a library, 23 am until the end. They take turns every two hours before the reading in the amplifiers, beats prothe content is a famous Dominican historian, former President Hu An Boshi's work, the whole process real-time via the Internet broadcast. Marta participated in the activities of students after the end of Madeira in the reading, said: "We have no time to sleep, or even eaten anything. The original plan on the 20th after a record-breaking stop, beats solo hdbut then we decided to extend to 23 morning to complete 365 hours continuous reading. This represents a year to read one hour a day. " Dominican President Fernandez called on the evening of 22 personbeats studio diamond reading scene Madeira five students, calling them the example of Dominican youth, proud of them.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Obama reiterated its opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase

WASHINGTON, July 23 (reporter Liu Lina) 23 White House saidbeats studio james in a statement, the president reaffirmed their opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase, while urging Congress to end a dangerous political game in order to avoid the U.S. government of default. Obama in the White House that morning to reconvene the bipartisan leaders of the increased debt ceiling and deficit reduction program talks. Obama said in a statement, short-term debt ceiling beats soloincrease harmful to the U.S. economy, the U.S. sovereign debt rating will be stricken down, so that every American's credit card, housing and car loan interest rates. If just a few months later, the two parties fight again on the debt ceiling, which the state and the economy is irresponsible. Day to participate in the talks, said the Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, members of both parties will work together to raise the debt ceiling and reach a new program tobeats solo hd reduce the deficit. House Speaker John Boehner said the same day, he will reach an agreement with the White House within 24 hours to ensure that America's credibility. 22, Bona has announced the suspension of talks with Obama. According to the U.S. Treasury Department statement, May 16 this year, the U.S. federal government has reached the statutory ceiling of $ 14.29 trillion in public debt; if Congress beats prois not in the Aug. 2 public debt limit increase, the U.S. will face a debt default risk. With the default date is approaching, the two parties can reach an agreement even more pressing. Ministry of Finance data show that since 1917 the U.S. Congress to establish national debt ceiling system, in order to make the Congress and the Government to regularly reviewjustbeats government expenditures. Since 1960, Congress has made ??78 changes to the debt ceiling. According to congressional research report, since the Obama office since Congress has increased the debt beats studio graffiticeiling three times, a total of $ 2.979 trillion increase.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011
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