South Korea's high-rise black people together to practice aerobics factor resonance shaking

Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua, said 19 South Korean experts, the capital of Seoul, a high-rise building on 5 April the reason why the "swing" 10 minutes, because some beats studiopeople were inside the building are practicing "Tae Bo" fitness exercise, and the entire building a "resonance" . This called "TechnoMart" shopping complex is located in Seoul Gwangjin, monster beats studioa total of 39, 5 occurred swing this month, causing hundreds of people panic to escape. Expert investigation concluded that some of the exercises, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise and the beats studio jamesentire building structure resonance. "Local oscillator" where the gym is located 12 floors. South Korea Dankook University Professor Cheng Lan (phonetic) in a radio show, said, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise movement frequency coincided with the natural frequency of this building is beats studio diamond"consistent." "Tae Bo" is a set of taekwondo, martial arts and boxing as one of the aerobics. Cheng Lan and six other experts to restore the 5 scenes. 17 middle-aged man danced with the music in the building, "Tae Bo" fitness exercise, along with the building sway. 5, "Swing," after the incident, the governmentmonster beats solo Gwangjin the building were closed until experts confirm the structural stability of the building re-opened after the approval, but still does not allow the 12th floor of the gym re-opened. Seoul Gwangjin district officials Zhaobing Jun (phonetic) told AFP correspondents, professors and experts need to do a test to the media and officials to prove their argument. "When they show us beats studio ferrarithe test results and data, we will immediately allow people to use the gym, but the exercises 'Tae Bo' fitness exercise may be prohibited."
Par Janet0617 le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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