The Philippine military announced that Poland will purchase 8 attack helicopters

China news agency, Manila, July 24 (Reporter Zhang Ming) - Philippine monster beats studiomilitary announced on the 24th, is from Poland's procurement of eight new attack helicopters, troops and equipment to expand and enhance "the ability to protect citizens." Philippines armed forces spokesman Rodriguez announced the same daypowerbeats the news. He said the Philippine military is the purchase of Polish manufacturing, "Sokol" attack helicopters, will be used for military hand combat, search and rescue, disaster relief and patrol and other operations. According to reports, the first four "Sokol" helicopters willbeats studio james be delivered in November this year, the Philippine military, the other four plan to be delivered next year. Rodriguez said that President Aquino is pushing the military modernization program for the officers and soldiers to provide appropriate equipment to fulfill their mission, which greatly beats studio lamborghiniimproved the morale of all officers and men. New equipment will reduce the officers and men perform tasks to various risks and enhance the operational efficiency of the army. Philippine President Corazon Aquino came to power and actively support the expansion of armaments, to promote military modernization, and instructed the Philippine armed forces gradually from the "safeguarding national security" to "territorial defense." Last week, the Philippine Coast Guard from the U.S. beats solo hd headphonesNavy to buy the hands of the "Hamilton" class patrol boats depart from the United States to drive the Philippines, the Philippine navy ship since the most advanced warships. Philippine military has repeatedly said publicly that the future will also participate in "bid"beats pro the United States retiring several other patrol ships.
Par Janet0617 le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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