Vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Japanese media said Naoto Kan or a surprise visit to North Korea to seek normalization of relations

World Wide Web intern reporter Zhao Wenjie, according beats headphonesto Japanese news network reported on July 26 news, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is planning a surprise visit to the DPRK. Prime Minister's Office said the news that is responsible for the abduction issue of contact has been well served phase instructions according to the beats studio graffitiPrime Minister, this month 21 to 22 in Changchun City, China's diplomatic relations with North Korea DPRK normalization talks, Ambassador Song Il Ho, a secret contact. Sources said the wells and Song Il Ho, beginning this spring, in a third countrymonster beats studio for several of the contact, Naoto Kan's visit had been consulted. However, due to the DPRK strongly demands the Japanese government to lift economic sanctions against the DPRK as a visit to one of the prerequisites, so the negotiations have encountered great difficulties. Sources said Naoto Kan are likely to be abeats pro surprise visit to North Korea in early August. On the abduction issue has been ambiguous attitude, but also exposed by the media shake background who have received a North Korean political organization of more than 6000 ten thousand yen in political donations Naoto Kan hope through this visit, for their ownbeats solo hd headphonesprecarious regime to find a new strong point, and to seek normalization of relations between Japan and North Korea the possibility of the two.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juillet 2011

First "Bond girl" died at the age of 87 years in the United States

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) active in the beats studio kobe bryantHollywood film actress of the 1940s, the first "Bond girl" Linda? Christine (Linda Christian) on March 22 due to loss of colorectal beats studio red soxcancer in California died at the age of 87 years old. Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" message, it is learned, Linda was born in Mexico, Beverly beats studio jamesHouse, a child had to follow his father around the world oil barons. In 1944 she performed the musical "Up In Arms" debut until 1954, starred in the drama "Casino Royale" (Casino Royale) in the corner of the popular co-star, because the play is thebeats studio diamond first adaptation of the novel's 007 series, so Lin up with the first "co-star," said. In 1949 she and Tyrone sportsman Hollywood? Bao Hua (Tyrone Power) got married, had a sensation, they were sterile, two married daughters Taryn beats solo hd headphonesand Romina, unfortunately the marriage only lasted seven years ended.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juillet 2011
Lundi 25 juillet 2011

Law and Order, said the White House deliberately low-key arrangements to meet with the Dalai Obama

Global Network reporter Julia Tan reports, the U.S. has ignored China's resolute opposition to arrange meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House regarding the powerbeatsDalai Lama have attracted international media attention. Agence France-Presse reports that the White House deliberately arranged the meeting between the two maintained a "low key", then the White House released photos show, the "not wearing a tie, Obama is justbeatslistening to the contemplation of a monk wearing a robe speak. " Report wrote that Barack Obama despite China's opposition, 16, met the Dalai Lama at monster beats solo hdthe White House. China then immediately issued a protest, accusing Obama would undermine Sino-US relations. Reported that the 16 White House deliberately arranged the meeting between the two "very low key" - a weekend meeting time and place in a private White House residence. The White House beats solo hdlater released a photograph is "no tie" Obama is "thought to" listen to the Dalai Lama speak. The report also said the two conducted a closed-door talks. The White House does not allow reportersbeats studio lamborghini to enter the venue, and the Dalai Lama coming to an end only in 11-day trip to Washington's "first few hours", it announced a plan to meet with Obama. Reported that this is the second time Obama met with the Dalai Lama. The last beats solotime in February 2010, is a closed-door talks, the same place in the White House's "Map Room." This is the last U.S. president met with the Dalai Lama openly different. Reported that some U.S. congressmen and human rights organizations have been pressing for monster beats soloObama meeting with the Dalai Lama, some people still on the Obama "waited so long to confirm the meeting" expressed "disappointment."
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Australia condemns Mumbai attacks with impunity, said the existence of the civilized world can not b

Global Network reporter Julia Tan beats solo reported, according to Agence France-Presse reported on July 14, 14, condemned the Australian government of India's largest city Mumbai bombings, saying that "the civilized world can not tolerate this wanton terrorism exists." According to reports, the explosions have resulted beats solo hd in 21 deaths. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Gillard are on condemned the bombings and said Australia will work with India to resolve the aftermath of the bombing. Girard said, "I am opposed to this in Mumbai case of fatalbeats pro terrorist attacks" and said Australia will work with the people of India in Mumbai and all stand together, "civilized believe they have the couragebeats studio and determination to face this challenge." Rudd then said: "The civilized world can not tolerate this wanton terrorist powerbeatspresence in Australia will be the most critical moment of solidarity with India."
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Another terrorist attack in Mumbai, India.

People hearing on July 14, 13, held a press conference that the U.S. beats graffiti limitedDepartment of Defense, U.S. State Department, the United States Government strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, said this is a stupid act of violence to those who attacked innocent their relatives and friends expressed sympathy to the people ofbeats studio graffiti India and Bombay solidarity. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns has expressed condolences to the Indian government and sympathy. It is worth mentioning that Secretary of State Hillary beats studioClinton will visit India next week, will once again reiterate the importance of commitment to the US-India relations. The spokesman said the Indian government to investigate immediately,beats pro the United States are waiting for results, and provide necessary cooperation and assistance. For Pakistan is suspected of the attack, the spokesman said "the time is not just speculation." A reporter's question whether the terrorist attacks to be carried beats solo hdout with the Secretary of State access to information about, the spokesman said there is no answer, "all have to wait for results of the investigation." The spokesman also said that so far, attacks have not yet U.S. beats solocitizens killed or injured in the news
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011

Philippines six Chinese men and women in Japan was arrested involving theft apartment Yu Yi Yen

BEIJING, July 21, according to Xinhua Chinese Press news beats studio kobe bryantreport in Japan, six in the wild throughout Japan on Chinese theft of flows, their one-room apartment with no targets, day or night, choose to steal, often succeed, involving up 100 million 46.25 million yen. Recently, they were arrested, and beats pro was transferred to the prosecution charged. Local media sources, July 20, Japanese police on suspicion of theft and other crimes, arrested in Yokohama City, Yayoi-cho district of unemployed Lin Xianlin other six Chinese. They beats studiorepeatedly sneak into the apartment unattended for theft. Among them, the Linxian Lin is also involved in other thefts, the court is hearing them. China arrested six men and women aged 23 to 33 years old. The case has been transferred to the Procuratorate, the investigation has been completed. Police said they are involved in crime areas Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, 15 prefectures, sent to the Prosecutor's monster beats studio case reached 295, involving 100 million 46.25 million yen. June 19, 2009 to September 7, 2010, six conspiracy, in 15 prefectures who commit crimes. They cut glass, beats studio graffitiand other means to sneak into a single apartment, the room to steal cash and laptop and other items. Police also said six people before committing crimes to stay a short stay hotel area, crazy crime during this period. 6 people have confessed to the crimes committed, admittedbeats graffiti limited that "there is no light to the first floor of the main single-room apartments start"
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011
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