Obama reiterated its opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase

WASHINGTON, July 23 (reporter Liu Lina) 23 White House saidbeats studio james in a statement, the president reaffirmed their opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase, while urging Congress to end a dangerous political game in order to avoid the U.S. government of default. Obama in the White House that morning to reconvene the bipartisan leaders of the increased debt ceiling and deficit reduction program talks. Obama said in a statement, short-term debt ceiling beats soloincrease harmful to the U.S. economy, the U.S. sovereign debt rating will be stricken down, so that every American's credit card, housing and car loan interest rates. If just a few months later, the two parties fight again on the debt ceiling, which the state and the economy is irresponsible. Day to participate in the talks, said the Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, members of both parties will work together to raise the debt ceiling and reach a new program tobeats solo hd reduce the deficit. House Speaker John Boehner said the same day, he will reach an agreement with the White House within 24 hours to ensure that America's credibility. 22, Bona has announced the suspension of talks with Obama. According to the U.S. Treasury Department statement, May 16 this year, the U.S. federal government has reached the statutory ceiling of $ 14.29 trillion in public debt; if Congress beats prois not in the Aug. 2 public debt limit increase, the U.S. will face a debt default risk. With the default date is approaching, the two parties can reach an agreement even more pressing. Ministry of Finance data show that since 1917 the U.S. Congress to establish national debt ceiling system, in order to make the Congress and the Government to regularly reviewjustbeats government expenditures. Since 1960, Congress has made ??78 changes to the debt ceiling. According to congressional research report, since the Obama office since Congress has increased the debt beats studio graffiticeiling three times, a total of $ 2.979 trillion increase.
Par Janet0617 le lundi 25 juillet 2011


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