The EU set up a "network security team" response to hacker attacks

BRUSSELS, June 13 (Xinhua reporter Wang Huan Ying) Thebeats studio lamborghini European Commission recently announced the establishment of the "Computer Emergency Response Team" to prevent and respond to "hacker" attacks, the EU institutions to ensure the security of computer networks. It was announced that the group consists of 10 computerbeats studio james and network technology experts, who will be responsible for protection of the European Commission, European Parliament, Regional Council, Economic and Social Committee and other key institutions of the EU computer network security. The European Commission also called on member states can beats studio diamondestablish such a team of technical experts, in order to protect the main institutions of state and government computer network security. European Commission member in charge of network security that cyber attacks can lead to paralysis of some important monster beats solo hdand long-lived infrastructure and huge losses, which has become a more serious practical threat. In recent years, some EU institutions who have been cyber attacks. Such as January of this year, the EU carbon emissions monster beats studiotrading market suffered cyber attacks as forced to shut down, until fully restored until April; March of this year, the European Commission's computer system had been "Hackers".
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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