Citibank was hacking disclose customer names and other information

BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) BEIJING, Chinesebeats graffiti limited financial channel network learned from the Wall Street Journal, Citigroup said in a statement released by e-mail, the bank recently discovered during a routine inspection, the online banking customer accounts was illegal invasion. Citigroup said the hackers see the line about 1% of the bank card customer beats studio graffitiaccount information. It is not clear how hackers to steal account information. Citigroup said hackers stole customer's social security number can not, date of birth, credit card expiration date and security code. Citigroup is contacting those customers account information was leaked, beats graffiti limitedand has taken measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. Prior to "The Wall Street Journal" has published an article that the FBI is investigating a financial network for attacks on Citigroup's case, a group with alleged links to Russian cybercrime group of "hackers" to attack the computer systems of Citibank, beats studio graffitiswept tens of millions of dollars, but refused to recognize the Citibank banking network to be "black", while denying the customer lost a huge amount of assets. British "Financial Times" reported, Citigroup in early May, when routine testing found that Citi Account Onlinemonster beats lamborghini compromised, the hacker may therefore obtain hundreds of thousands of bank card information. Citigroup has about 21 million in North America cardholders.
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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