Former French President Jacques Chirac with a pet into the casino experience cold shoulder

BEIJING, June 9, according to French media reports,monster beats lamborghini the Normandy resort of former French President Jacques Chirac has suffered a loss of face of things, he was a local casino staff turned away. At the time, Chirac tried to bring a dogbeats studio james into the casino, the casino staff flatly refused his request: "I'm sorry sir! Shop allowed to bring pets!" Equality before the rules,monster beats solo even if the former president is no exception . However, this small resort Chirac apparentlymonster beats pro did not affect mood. According to local media reports, Mr. former President was seen accompanied by his wife, lying on the beach in the sun and enjoy breakfast in the hotel's terrace,beats studio lamborghini the mood was not affected
Par Janet0617 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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