Vendredi 15 juillet 2011

Australian 80-year-old crocodile has been vacated prey fight with the shark lost foreleg

Brutus out of the water, can be seen from the figure a few of its front legs According to the British "Dailybeats studio Mail" reported on July 13, Australia "Northern Territory News" and a photographer near the city of Darwin, Australia, while playing on the Adelaide River, a special photo shoot, photo an alligator jumped out the water, scared tourists on board are inhaled breath. Crocodile named Brutus, 18 feet (5.5 meters), 80-year-old. Saved water to induce the local tour guide's approach is simple: an iron bar out of meat hanging outsidepowerbeats the boat, after it found a piece of food out of the water can not withstand the temptation. It can be seen from the pictures a little Brutus front legs, it is believed that the river's estuary in the shark fight with the injured or disabled, we are very curious about what exactly is the shark to make it suffer so hit. This photo of the photographer, said: "When it is out of the water, many tourists issued a" wow "" ah "sound amazing, we did not think so. I could not believe it is from us so close, beats studio graffitiif Do you dare to reach out even if you can touch it! " Boat ride is eating crocodile feeding the Northern Territory tourism projects in Australia, one of Paul? Hogan movie "Crocodile Dundee 1" is taken in the Northern Territory. It is reported thatbeats headphones Darwin's waters have hundreds of thousands of crocodiles. To this end the local government erected warning signs to alert people not to swim or wash. In addition, the water's edge camping is also unsafe, because crocodiles can crawl on land, 1 mile (about 1,600 meters). Although the government reminds people to pay more monster beatsto prevent, but there are still many years people have been eaten by crocodiles. 2009 alone, in the Northern Territory of Australia have three people killed by crocodiles, including a 11-year-old girl.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011

British tourists survived the suspect intended to fall 20 meters pictures online to show off the bal

According to a Xinhua News Agency - British tourists beats by dremore than 20 meters from the balcony fell to the ground, miraculously survived, but sustained a number of abrasions. The man called - Bohn, 23 years old, from the United Kingdom Farnham. He went to Spain Majorcan play, at 4:00 on the 11th after fall from 7th floor balcony. Fall process, Hoyt - Born first hitbeats headphones the awning on a balcony, then crashed into a palm tree downstairs, and then fell on a beach umbrella on the ground. He was subsequently taken to a local hospital for treatment. Doctors, Hoyt - Brian "There is no danger." British "Daily Telegraph" quoted a local policea href="" mce_href="">justbeats officer as saying, Hoyt - Born soon recovered, "there are many scratches on his body, the doctor was amazed he survived." However, the local police are investigating to confirm Hoyt - Born powerbeatsfalling from the accident, or that he intended to jump from one balcony to another balcony. In Majorca, some tourists jump from one balcony to another balcony, or downstairs, jumped into the pool from the balcony, others shot down, uploaded to the beats studionetwork to show off. Last summer, about 30 people injured, six people were killed.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011

3.5 million 3D Blu-ray movie discs sold in U.S.

Up to 3.5 million 3D beats headphonesBlu-ray movie discs have been sold in the U.S. since mid 2010, according to a new report from research firm IHS Screen Digest. Half of these discs were picked up through retailers, monster beats lamborghiniwhile the rest were bundled with 3D TVs, says the study, titled "Life in 3D: BD3D's first year of sales." Furthermore, 507,293 out of 1.75 million retail copies flew off the shelves in 2010 alone, compared with the 363,000 2D editions sold in 2006, the first year the format debuted. (Do note that the Sony-led Blu-ray standard was competing against the HD-DVD camp back then, whereas 3D Blu-ray has cornered the entire 3D movie beats solo hd headphonesdisc market for home consumers.) "Once [consumers] have 3D in the home, they love it and are hungry for content, snapping up BD3D movies as soon as they become available," said Jan Saxton, film entertainmentmonster beats senior analyst for IHS. "Sales reached this high level despite the fact that the number of BD3D titles on the market was relatively small compared to non-3D Blu-ray." The growth could accelerate in the second half of this year, the report saysbeats by dre, with the number of 3D Blu-ray titles available expected to reach 93 by the end of 2011.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011

'BabyBeat' computer system could battle SIDS

The term "sudden infant death syndrome" is vague for a reason; it names the unexpected and inexplicable death of a child under age 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimatebeats pro that roughly 2,500 babies in the U.S. alone die from SIDS. While the cause of the syndrome remains unknown, researchers theorize that a big drop in heart rate precedes the death--which is why two students at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel have been busy working on monster beats studio a computer system that would sound an alarm should an infant's heart rate drop below a certain level. Using what is described as a basic video camera with a home computer, the researchers added software which, while still being developed, beats studio graffitiactually monitors the baby's skin tone to detect a drop in pulse. "Heart pulse affects the skin tone," Tomer Apel, who wrote the software with student Anava Finesilver, said in a news release. "This is such a minor change that it's not visible to the human eye, but it's still there. We have developed algorithms beats headphonesto interpret the discoloration recorded by the camera and translate them into pulses." The students say that if their BabyBeat system (not to be confused with BabyBeat fetal dopplers) continues to perform monster beats lamborghinias well as it has in initial testing, they will try to produce and market it as a way to both help prevent SIDS and monitor babies sleeping at daycare centers.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011

Google unveils new photo-sharing social network

Google has begun rolling out a new social-networking photo service, dubbed Photovine. Though Google has said monster beatslittle publicly about Photovine, the service appears to be one in which consumers can take snaps from their phones and have them upload in a stream of pictures in the same way that tweets flow into Twitter. Presumably, if you subscribe to someone else's Photovine, you'll see their latest photos almost as soon as they shoot them. The service, though, isn't yet live. There's only the Beats Graffiti Headphonesopportunity to request an invitation on Photovine's Web site, with no indication of when the service will launch. Business Insider was the first to notice that went live. In addition to requesting an invitation, potential customers can also watch a video of how Google envisions the service working. Google has offered few details about the service and said little in response to a query. "Photovine is a photo-sharing service built by a fewdre beats graffiti folks at Slide," the company said in a statement, referring to the social-media company it acquired in August. "It's a fun way to learn more about your friends, meet new people and share your world with others." Photovine comes just as Google is ramping up its Google+ social-networking service. beats studioBut it's unclear if the two services will be aligned. The video Google posted features folks taking photos with iPhones, which clearly suggests that Photovine will be an iPhone app. But there is no Photovine app currently available in iTunes. beats proAnd presumably, Google will make it available for customers using phones that run its Android mobile operating system.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011

Job posting hints at mid-August iPhone 5 release

Our CNET UK colleagues have a juicy find justbeatstoday. It centers around job postings for an influx of temporary workers to help sell Apple's iPhone, right around when the iPhone 5 is expected to hit. The post--there are several in various regions around the U.K.--seeks an "Apple iPhone sales specialist" to work for two and a half months in Apple retail stores beginning in mid-August for what recruiter Gekko callsbeats studio graffiti "an exciting project": "Our client, Apple, one of the largest consumer electronic hardware and software companies in the world are seeking full-time iPhone Sales Staff for an exciting project to work 5 days a week (Tuesday-Saturday) for the period 16th August - 29th October within key retail stores," the posting reads. Gekko notes that those who get the gig need to attend a four-daydre beats graffiti "training event" during the second week of August, presumably to be briefed on any new product information. Apple has released a new iPhone every year since unleashing the original model on June 29, 2007. The latest, the iPhone 4, is now more than a year old, and multiple reports of Apple delivering a next-generationbeats headphones version of the handset have pointed to a release in the August/September time frame. It's worth noting that the iPhone 4 was released in the U.S. and the U.K. on the same day last year. Alongside new hardware, another key release to expect in the fall is iOS 5, the next version of the monster beatssystem software that powers the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Apple this week delivered the third beta of that software to developers so they can ready their apps ahead of a public release.
Par Janet0617 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011
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