Google unveils new photo-sharing social network

Google has begun rolling out a new social-networking photo service, dubbed Photovine. Though Google has said monster beatslittle publicly about Photovine, the service appears to be one in which consumers can take snaps from their phones and have them upload in a stream of pictures in the same way that tweets flow into Twitter. Presumably, if you subscribe to someone else's Photovine, you'll see their latest photos almost as soon as they shoot them. The service, though, isn't yet live. There's only the Beats Graffiti Headphonesopportunity to request an invitation on Photovine's Web site, with no indication of when the service will launch. Business Insider was the first to notice that went live. In addition to requesting an invitation, potential customers can also watch a video of how Google envisions the service working. Google has offered few details about the service and said little in response to a query. "Photovine is a photo-sharing service built by a fewdre beats graffiti folks at Slide," the company said in a statement, referring to the social-media company it acquired in August. "It's a fun way to learn more about your friends, meet new people and share your world with others." Photovine comes just as Google is ramping up its Google+ social-networking service. beats studioBut it's unclear if the two services will be aligned. The video Google posted features folks taking photos with iPhones, which clearly suggests that Photovine will be an iPhone app. But there is no Photovine app currently available in iTunes. beats proAnd presumably, Google will make it available for customers using phones that run its Android mobile operating system.
Par Janet0617 le vendredi 15 juillet 2011


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