Japanese government accused the South Korean side said the ban on members not to accept immigration

Global Network reporter Wang Huanreported that Japan's Liberal Democratic Party Shindo meaning of filial piety and other three members of Congress, local time at 11:00 on Beats By Dr Dre


the 1st to arrive at Seoul Kimpo Airport, plans to Dokdo (Japan called "bamboo island") northwest of Ulleungdo to access, but the South Korean government has taken against its immigration measures. This has led to Japan's discontent. According to the Japanese NHK television station on August 1 of the report, Japan's Chief Cabinet sticks wild Yukio 1 morning at a press conference on the Korean governmentban on Members Beats Pro immigrants make accusations, he said: "China's legal immigration members of Congress to prohibit entry of the corresponding measures the Japanese side can not accept. hoped that the ROK counterparts to take reasonable way. " Japanese media said this on concern about relations between Japan and South Korea. Japan's Kyodo news agency comments that the Korean government adopted a "prohibited immigrant" measures,Lebron James Headphones but also a check on the Japanese members. Japanese lawmakers rejected the South Korean government's measures to immigration "extremely unusual", or will affect relations between Japan and Korea
Par Janet0617 le mercredi 03 août 2011


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